Verses for the Day: John 14:16 and John 14:21

We are called to enter into fellowship with our God. And this unique invitation is to know the Godhead in His fullness and individuality. Each part of the Godhead is God in the reality of a Person who is eternal. And God’s desire is to reveal all three Persons to us.

We are unable to render to God the love He so freely gives to us. However, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. The Father has sent us this advocate to teach and guide us. We find this intimate fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in prayer. It is with us as it was with our Savior; while Jesus was being baptized He prayed and the heaven’s opened; God the Father spoke, and the Holy Spirit descended and engaged Jesus. The Godhead was revealed to man in prayer.

Pray dear saint; it is time to experience this personal fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.