Harnessing my imaginations and dreams

All of us have those random, troubling dreams and thoughts. Sometimes I wonder where a dream originated. How could I have such an evil feeling about someone? Our heart is accurately portrayed by the Psalmist when he says, “The heart is desperately wicked.”

Our dilemma is that we can do nothing about our heart. We can’t change it, purify it, or redirect its passions. We urgently need a savior.

He spoke:

I see every corridor of your heart. The Holy Spirit will purify the uncharted regions of your heart that you don’t even know exist.

If the Holy Spirit could only cleanse the conscious part of your life, you would have no hope. But He also has power over your unconscious dreams and imaginations. You just need to ask.

I am God from the early morning to the late night. I am God over all things. I hold all things together. I am the one who completes all things.

My blood cleanses you from all sin. I reserve a place of sanctity in the Holy Spirit where your body, mind, and soul thrive in unspotted integrity and agreement.

“May the very God of peace sanctify you completely. And I pray to God that your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:23).

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).

Hating Others Because of Their Race

Scriptures for the day: Titus 3:3, Col. 3:11

I grew up seeing dramatic race prejudice on my mother and father’s side of the family. I have to “check-in” with the Lord often to make sure my heart is clean from this heritage and it has no part of me. What a terribly sad condition. It is the darkest side of the human race. How could such a deplorable state come about in the lives of people? The answer is simple, “Adam’s fall.” Cain, the first child born of the man God created, shed the blood of his brother. Can you imagine such a thing! Humanity’s love of their own people, implanted in their hearts by God, soon changes to murderous hatred.

Love of country becomes the source of race-hatred and bloodshed. God judges and tests us. He now places the races side by side to see if our Christianity will enable us to overcome race-hatred. Does it really matter what race you are?

We have a great opportunity to prove the power of God’s love to change race-hatred into brotherly love. Here’s the deal: we must pray for ourselves and for each other that we would obey God’s Word and live in the power

The One Condition to Know the Fullness of God’s Love

We need to remind ourselves over and over again that we cannot love in our own strength. Our love will always run out at some point. Our love is not perfect; it will fail. It is only as we are wholly surrendered to the Spirit that we will be able to live according to God’s will and walk in love towards those around us. What I believe we have failed to realize is that we learn to know the person of the Holy Spirit in the secret place of prayer. You see, the Holy Spirit is sensitive; it is His nature. You will not become acquainted with the Holy Spirit amidst the noise of the day or the clamor of work. You must engage Him and listen to Him in the secret place.

Open your spiritual ears to hear now (Rev. 2:17, 3:6, and 3:22). You may know the fullness of God’s love on one condition: you must be strengthened by the Holy Spirit so that Christ may dwell in your heart. Take this message from God’s Word. Unless you are on your knees you cannot live in the love of Christ. A life of prayer will make a life of love to Christ, other Christians, and those without Christ a reality in your experience.


Verses for the Day: John 14:16 and John 14:21

We are called to enter into fellowship with our God. And this unique invitation is to know the Godhead in His fullness and individuality. Each part of the Godhead is God in the reality of a Person who is eternal. And God’s desire is to reveal all three Persons to us.

We are unable to render to God the love He so freely gives to us. However, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. The Father has sent us this advocate to teach and guide us. We find this intimate fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in prayer. It is with us as it was with our Savior; while Jesus was being baptized He prayed and the heaven’s opened; God the Father spoke, and the Holy Spirit descended and engaged Jesus. The Godhead was revealed to man in prayer.

Pray dear saint; it is time to experience this personal fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Are You Growing Day to Day With the Lord?

Are You Growing Day to Day?

Many Christians fall away for periods of time because they have not been taught the truth that every Christian must learn the necessity of fellowship with Jesus each day. Our joy in the Holy Spirit and forgiveness of sins are preserved by daily prayer and fellowship with our God.

Are you growing day to day in your maturity as a disciple? The one condition that is requisite for your growth and power is time alone with the savior every day. Read Matthew 11:25-30. Let His words permeate your soul: “Come unto me…I will give you rest. Let me teach you…you will find rest for your soul.” This is the invitation He gives to all Christians, young and old. Our Lord is humble, peaceable, and full of grace and mercy. You can grow in intimacy with Jesus day to day; it really is very simply.

Can a Sophisticated Person Have Faith Like a Child?

The question you must ask yourself is: Do I really trust my heavenly Father the way a little child trusts?

Your prayers will reveal your belief system when it comes to trust in the Father.

You see, I really do believe my heavenly Father is loving and faithful and has my best interests at heart. I believe He hears my prayers. I believe God the Father looks at me as one of His little children. He calls me up close to Him and says, “Tell Me what is on your heart, son.” He says, “Get quiet and listen to what I say to you.”

So simple, so conversational, so unprofessional, so real. That’s the way He teaches us to pray. He desires the honest simplicity of praying like a little child, not praying to be heard by others or attempting to impress God. Now there is an outlandish thought. Can you imagine trying to impress God with your prayers? What a waste of time.

In coming to our Lord in prayer with the spirit of childlikeness, we will realize the Fatherhood of God in our lives.