Prayerless Praying

Bounds quote

Prayerless Praying

Why do we not pray? The short is we are too busy. And he who is too busy to pray will be too busy to live a holy life. More than anything else, Satan wants us to let the grass grow on the path to our prayer chamber. A vacant chamber of prayer means that a believer has gone out of business religiously, or, what is worse, has made a change and is carrying out religion in some other name than God’s and to somebody else’s glory. In the business of religion, God’s glory is only secured when we practice that religion with a large capital of prayer.

There is no defense against the desolating floods of worldliness and business and cares, except prayer.

E.M. Bounds

Who is E.M. Bounds
Consider the life of E.M. Bounds: The last seventeen years of his life he rose at 4:00 a.m. to pray daily for the cares of the world that were on his heart. He was a renowned lawyer at age 24, who then was called by the Lord. He volunteered as a chaplain in the Civil War and was held as a prisoner of war twice, one time for 1-½ years. He died in 1913 relatively unknown.

Since the apostles, no man besides E.M. Bounds has left such a rich heritance of research and teaching into the life of prayer. Prayer was as natural to him as breathing. He made prayer first and foremost in his life because he knew it as the strongest link between man and God. IN THE TIME OF E.M. BOUNDS HUMAN, WEAKNESS, THROUGH PRAYER, COULD ACCESS THE POWER OF THE OVERCOMING SON OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST. THE SAME IS TRUE TO THIS DAY!

What is the Greatest Talent a Man or Woman May Possess?


Provoking Thoughts on Prayer

The greatest and best talent that God gives to any man or woman in this world is the talent of prayer. And the best payment of interest that any man or woman brings back to God when He comes to reckon with them at the end of this world, is a life of prayer. And those servants best put their money “to the exchangers” (Matt. 25:27) who rise early and sit late, as long as they are in this world, ever finding out and every following after greater and better methods of prayer and every forming more secret, more steadfast, and more spiritually fruitful habits of prayer, until they literally “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17); and until they continually strike out into new enterprises in prayer, and achievements, and new enrichments.

None can believe ow powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience.

E. M. Bounds

On Prayerless Praying


On Prayerless Praying

Our religion breaks down most often and most sadly in our conduct. Beautiful theories are marred by ugly lives. The most difficult, as well as most impressive, point in piety is to live it. Our praying suffers from bad living as much as our religion does. Preachers were charged in earlier times to preach by their lives or to not preach at all. So Christian everywhere ought to be charged to pray by their lives or to not pray at all.

Of course, the prayer of repentance is acceptable; but repentance means to quit doing wrong and learn too do well. A repentance that does not produce a change in conduct is a sham. Praying that does not result in pure conduct is a delusion; it is prayerless.
We have missed he whole office and virtue of praying if it does not rectify our conduct.
E. M. Bounds