Do You Really Believe in the Boundless Possibilities of Prayer?


Do You Really Believe the Boundless
Possibilities of Prayer?

The scripture reveals the possibilities of prayer to be as great as the boundless measure of redemptive grace. The unsparing God places no limit on our praying because there is no limit placed on His giving. If we believe that Christ was sacrificed to save us to the uttermost, we must likewise believe that He is able to supply our needs to the uttermost.

The lamentable fact is we have been exceedingly slow to comprehend the unlimited possibilities of prayer revealed in Christ’s plain words. When we fully understand His instructions about praying and grasp the promises by faith, we will not find it difficult to pray the effectual fervent prayer of achieving faith.

T. M. Anderson

Dare You Take the First Step?


Provoking Thoughts on Prayer

Dare You Take The First Step?

Before Christ can lead a chosen vessel into a life of intercession, He first must deal to the bottom with all that is natural. Love of money, personal ambition, natural affection for parents and loved ones, the appetites of the body, the love of life itself, all that makes even a converted man live unto himself, for his own comfort or advantage, for his own advancement, even for his own circle of friends, as to go to the cross.

It is no theoretical death, but a real crucifixion with Christ, such as only the Holy Ghost Himself can make actual in the experience of His servant. Both as a crisis and process, Paul’s testimony must be made ours: “I have been and still am crucified with Christ.” The self must be released from itself to become the agent of the Holy Spirit.

Noman Grubb from Rees Howells Intercessor

Are You Too Sleepy to Pray?


Are You Too Sleepy to Watch and Pray?

I am thoroughly convinced that a great spiritual awakening will come to this benighted world if the people of God will deny themselves of sleep and seek God in the peaceful hours of the morning. It is my firm conviction that the Asbury revival set the pattern to be followed in order to have a great revival in this day and age of the world. But, Is it possible that we are too indolent and indifferent to pray? Is there no passion for souls? Is there no sincere concern for the lost? Can it be that we are too sleepy to watch with Christ in the Gethsemane of prevailing prayer? Are our physical comforts more important than or praying for others?

We are woefully wanting in natural ability to help others spiritually; we have nothing to set before them (Gala. 5:17). Unless we avail ourselves of the abundant resources of Christ through Holy Spirit empowered prayer, we will never have anything of spiritual worth to set before a starving world.

T. M. Anderson

If You Could Ask Anything of the Lord to Start This Year


If You Could Ask Anything of the Father to Start This Year

Provoking Thoughts on Prayer

If we are to have fellowship with Jesus Christ in His present work, we must spend much time in prayer; we must give ourselves to earnest, constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming prayer. I know of nothing that has so impressed me with a sense of the importance of praying at all seasons, being much and constantly in prayer, as the thought that that is the principal occupation at present of my risen Lord. I want to have fellowship with Him, and to that end I have asked the Father that whatever else He may make me, to make me at all events an intercessor, to make me a man who knows how to pray, and who spends much time in prayer.

R. A. Torrey

This is Intercession Friday 30 December


Provoking Thoughts on Prayer

This is Intercession

When we pray for others the Spirit of God works in the unconscious domain of their being that we know nothing about, and the one we are praying for knows nothing about, but after the passing of time the conscious life of the one prayed for begins to show sigs of unrest and disquiet. We may have spoken until we are worn out, but have never come anywhere near, and we have given up in despair. But if we have been praying, we find on meeting them one day that there is the beginning of a softening in an inquiry and a desire to know something.

It is that kind of intercession that does the most damage to Satan’s kingdom. It is so slight, so feeble in its initial stages that if reason is not wedded to the light of the Holy Spirit, we will never obey it, and yet it is that kind of intercession that the New Testament places most emphasis on.

Oswald Chambers