Verses for the Day: John 14:16 and John 14:21

We are called to enter into fellowship with our God. And this unique invitation is to know the Godhead in His fullness and individuality. Each part of the Godhead is God in the reality of a Person who is eternal. And God’s desire is to reveal all three Persons to us.

We are unable to render to God the love He so freely gives to us. However, the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. The Father has sent us this advocate to teach and guide us. We find this intimate fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in prayer. It is with us as it was with our Savior; while Jesus was being baptized He prayed and the heaven’s opened; God the Father spoke, and the Holy Spirit descended and engaged Jesus. The Godhead was revealed to man in prayer.

Pray dear saint; it is time to experience this personal fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Are You Growing Day to Day With the Lord?

Are You Growing Day to Day?

Many Christians fall away for periods of time because they have not been taught the truth that every Christian must learn the necessity of fellowship with Jesus each day. Our joy in the Holy Spirit and forgiveness of sins are preserved by daily prayer and fellowship with our God.

Are you growing day to day in your maturity as a disciple? The one condition that is requisite for your growth and power is time alone with the savior every day. Read Matthew 11:25-30. Let His words permeate your soul: “Come unto me…I will give you rest. Let me teach you…you will find rest for your soul.” This is the invitation He gives to all Christians, young and old. Our Lord is humble, peaceable, and full of grace and mercy. You can grow in intimacy with Jesus day to day; it really is very simply.

Waiting on the Lord Daily

Scripture for the Day: Daniel 6:10 “Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.”

As I look at the condition of our country today I am deeply persuaded that most Christians do not grasp the intention of conversion; it is after all, to come into daily fellowship with our God. The goal is not to just survive our culture, but to thrive in it and to engage it for Christ. Battling the culture requires us to make time every day for the Word and prayer. The bottom line: we have no power on our own for this war.

We daily need new grace, mercy, and power that are received from fellowship with our God. This will never be received in a hasty, superficial glance at a few verses in the morning, then on our way. We must come and wait in His presence; there we will feel our need, our ineptness. It is here we encounter the Holy Spirit.

The goal of my provoking thoughts on prayer is to help Christians realize the absolute necessity of spending time with the Lord every day. If you do not do this, the joy and power of the Holy Spirit you desire will be but a wish.

The Bond Between Obedience and Prayer

What in the world does obedience mean? Just the sound of the word conjures up thoughts of: don’t smoke; don’t drink; don’t this; don’t that; bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. But, if we want to access the fullness of the Holy Spirit and see answers to prayer, we better get a precise understanding of obedience. Is it vital? Check out the verse for the day above (Rev. 22:14).

Here is the short of it: obedience is simply doing God’s will and obeying His commandments. Do you think God gives commandments men can’t obey? Look at it this way. Do loving parents require their children to perform tasks completely out of their reach? Is our Heavenly Father less kind and compassionate than our earthly parents? What an irrational thought.

Our obedience is an act of love, an expression of delight in pleasing the beloved (1 John 3:22). Here’s what I mean. It is discovering what pleases our Lord and doing it with boundless joy and anticipation. Anticipation? Yes, the great anticipation of the “God possibilities” that simple obedience brings to our prayers.

How Does Prayer Change Character?

The boldest statement possible exposes the fundamental truth surrounding prayer and character—without prayer there is no supernatural change in the character of the believer. Our sins are freely forgiven. God invites us to know Him intimately. God’s grace allows us the opportunity to experience the gifts of the Spirit. But, He does not give us character.

We do not become more righteous by doing righteous acts. Prayer creates the change in us that produces righteousness. Jesus commanded us to always be on our guard to cover our conduct (Luke 21:34). The most difficult thing about virtue is to live it out. Fervent, persistent, passionate prayer produces right thinking and right living. We have wasted the whole office of prayer if it does not produce godly conduct and character. The very nature of prayer requires us to stop praying or curtail our ungodly conduct. A life that is given to prayer can grow but one direction—in holiness and devotion to Jesus.