Bible Gateway Interview with Tim Cameron

You can see my interview with Jonathan Peterson, manager of marketing for Bible Gateway at:

40 Days Through the Prayers of Jesus: An Interview with Tim Cameron

Enjoy this wonderful interview with Bible Gateway. The Bible Gateway Blog registers more than a quarter million views per month.

The interview will be featured in this week’s edition of Bible Gateway’s Weekly Brief, thier newsletter of important Bible-related trends, statistics, articles, and pivotal happenings on the Web and at Bible Gateway, delivered on Fridays to 400,000+ subscribers. (Subscribe by going to

News about the interview will be sent to the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association for inclusion in its industry-wide trade newsletter, RushToPress.

And the interview is featured on their main site ( which gets more than a quarter million views a day.Through their website homepage, mobile access, and various social media networks, Bible Gateway’s long-form and short-form communication messages achieve more than 3 million personal impressions a day.

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Bible Gateway gives a huge discount on the book.

What Was the Origional Sin?

What Was the Origional Sin?

Verses for the day: Mathew 6:9-13
Give us each day our daily bread.

This is a prayer for provision. Now, let’s go deeper and make this petition personal: give me my daily bread. Is that a prayer we can really live with? Can we live in this kind of simplicity and trust, like a little child?

There is one place we repeatedly allow our peace and contentment to be stolen. We compare our provision to others. I think of it as the original sin—comparison. Eve saw the fruit of the tree, and it was more pleasing than what she had. The two most important steps in finding contentment in life are not comparing what you have to others and having a grateful heart. God will provide (Gen. 22:14). The challenge set before us is to pray and be grateful for God’s provision.

My Favorite Books on Prayer Beth Moore Praying God’s Word

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Winning Spiritual Battles

You and I are just about as effective as a crew of workers attempting to tear down a building with loud mouths, sticks, and stones when we try to break down our strongholds with carnal weapons like pure determination, secular psychology, and denial. God has handed up two sticks of dynamite with which to demolish our strongholds: His Word and prayer. What makes prayer so powerful? Prayer keeps us in constant communion with God, which is the goal of our entire believing lives. Without a doubt, prayerless lives are powerless lives, and prayerful lives are powerful lives; but, believe it or not, the ultimate goal of God has for us in not power but personal intimacy with Him. We will never win any spiritual battles without prayer.
Beth Moore, Praying God’s Word