Can a Sophisticated Person Have Faith Like a Child?

The question you must ask yourself is: Do I really trust my heavenly Father the way a little child trusts?

Your prayers will reveal your belief system when it comes to trust in the Father.

You see, I really do believe my heavenly Father is loving and faithful and has my best interests at heart. I believe He hears my prayers. I believe God the Father looks at me as one of His little children. He calls me up close to Him and says, “Tell Me what is on your heart, son.” He says, “Get quiet and listen to what I say to you.”

So simple, so conversational, so unprofessional, so real. That’s the way He teaches us to pray. He desires the honest simplicity of praying like a little child, not praying to be heard by others or attempting to impress God. Now there is an outlandish thought. Can you imagine trying to impress God with your prayers? What a waste of time.

In coming to our Lord in prayer with the spirit of childlikeness, we will realize the Fatherhood of God in our lives.

Are You Throwing Sticks at the Devil?

Jesus was tempted by the devil to turn a stone into bread while He was fasting in the wilderness. He quoted Scripture to the devil to fend him off. Jesus taught us that we must take His Word deep inside us daily. We are more than just physical beings who need food to survive. We are spiritual creations who need to commune with our God every day.

Most of us are too busy to eat properly. Busyness also keeps us from praying. Busyness keeps us from taking time to study, meditate, and hide God’s Word in our hearts. We have an epidemic in the church of spiritually malnourished people who don’t meet Jesus in the secret place daily in the Word and prayer. The admonitions in the Scripture are numerous and pointed. Meditate on the Word and pray. Your spiritual life depends on it.