Scriptures for the day: Titus 3:3, Col. 3:11

I grew up seeing dramatic race prejudice on my mother and father’s side of the family. I have to “check-in” with the Lord often to make sure my heart is clean from this heritage and it has no part of me. What a terribly sad condition. It is the darkest side of the human race. How could such a deplorable state come about in the lives of people? The answer is simple, “Adam’s fall.” Cain, the first child born of the man God created, shed the blood of his brother. Can you imagine such a thing! Humanity’s love of their own people, implanted in their hearts by God, soon changes to murderous hatred.

Love of country becomes the source of race-hatred and bloodshed. God judges and tests us. He now places the races side by side to see if our Christianity will enable us to overcome race-hatred. Does it really matter what race you are?

We have a great opportunity to prove the power of God’s love to change race-hatred into brotherly love. Here’s the deal: we must pray for ourselves and for each other that we would obey God’s Word and live in the power