File Mar 22, 10 59 14 PM

Do You Really Hunger for God in Prayer?

Do you hunger to go deeper with God in prayer? Going on with God in prayer cannot be separated from the extraordinary adventure of being a Christian. Prayer is gloriously more than something than that you “open in a word of”. It is more than a religious gavel calling a meeting to order or the acceptable way to adjourn a Christian gathering. Prayer is more than bringing God your shopping list. Prayer is radically and gloriously encountering God knowing Him better and loving Him more.

We must take seriously the heart of God which pleads, “The whole land will be laid waste unless there is one who cares. I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of he land so I would not have to destroy it with the consuming fire of My wrath” (Jer. 12:11, Eze. 22:30-31).

Sylvia Gunter