Are You Surprised When Your Prayers are Answered?


To the man or woman who is acquainted with God and who knows how to pray, there is nothing remarkable in the answers that come. They are sure of being heard since they ask in accordance with what they know to be the mind and will of God.

Through the gateway of prayer, we find our way into the Father’s presence. We see His face, and we know that all is well, since His hand is at the helm of events, and “even the winds and the sea obey Him” (Matt. 8:27). When we live in fellowship with Him, we come with confidence into His presence, asking in full confidence of receiving and meeting with the justification of our faith. (See Hebrews 4:16)

E. M. Bounds

A Solemn Confession and Warning


Warning: We Pray Too Little

Everywhere people confess, “We pray too little!” Yet there seems to be a fear that, because of pressure from work and the force of habit, it is almost impossible to hope for a change. Such thinking can only hinder our own joy and our power in God’s service.

What a solemn confession and warning: we pray too little! Is the call of God for our time and attention more important than our work and our service to Him? If God is waiting to meet us and to give us power from heaven for His work, it is shortsighted to put other work in His place? If there is to be significant experience of God’s presence, there must be more definite and persevering prayer.

Andrew Murray circa 1880

Then Why Pray?


Provoking Thoughts on Prayer

“Your Father knows what things you need before you ask.” Then why ask? The idea of prayer is not first to get answers from God; prayer is perfect and complete oneness with God. If we only pray because we want answers, we will eventually get huffy with God. The answers come every time, but not always in the way we expect. We are not here to prove God answers prayer; we are here to be living monuments of God’s grace.

When prayer seems to be unanswered, beware of trying to fix blame somewhere. You will find there is a reason, which is a deep instruction to you, not to anyone else.

Oswald Chambers

The Divine Antidote


Spiritual Renewal Through Prayer

The Divine Antidote

The praying church should not limit the length of her dedication to intercession. God is looking for a life of prayer, not just a season. If the duration of time required to bring change can stop us, it is obvious that the preparatory work in our hearts is not deep enough to draw
divine intervention.

How does all this relate to revival? Spiritual renewal is the divine antidote for our cities and our nation. It is God’s answer to all who cry unceasingly in conventional prayer to Him for help.

Francis Frangipane

What do You Want?

What do you want

What do You Really want?

Jesus wants to hear from our own lips not just a general petition for mercy, but the distinct expression of what is our desire. Until we speak it out, He will not answer. Such definite prayer teaches us to know our own needs better. It demands time, and thought, and self-scrutiny to find out what really is out greatest need.

As long as in prayer we just pour out heart in a multitude of petitions, without taking time to see whether every petition is sent with the purpose and expectation of getting an answer, not many will reach the mark. But if, as in silence of soul we bow befoe the Lord, we were to ask such questions s these: What is now really my desire? Do I desire it in faith, expective to receive?

“And Jesus Answered him, and said, What do you want me to do for you?” Mark 10:51
Andrew Murray