Satan dwells in the darkness. This is where he and all his demons (fallen angels) were sent to by God (Luke 10:18; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 12:4). Where is the darkness? We need to understand that any place the knowledge of God is absent is darkness, and darkness is the domain of the enemy. Where Christ is, there is light and the darkness is dispelled (John 8:12). People who do not follow Jesus walk in darkness.

Before you came to know the Lord as your Savior, you were in the kingdom of darkness. You lived in this world physically, but you lived in Satan’s territory spiritually. The moment you accepted Jesus as your Savior, you were transported into God’s kingdom. It makes no difference now where you live physically, whether or not you live under persecution, or if you are affluent or impoverished—if Christ is your Savior, you live in His kingdom (Col. 1:13, NASB).

The battle is furious in the unseen realm. This is why our weapons in spiritual warfare are not carnal or fleshly.

The enemy wars against us as we pursue God to have His kingdom established in our minds, emotions, and wills (our souls). The enemy is actively planning schemes, diversions, rear attacks, and every other evil plan to cast doubt in the minds of men and women concerning God’s Word. The enemy entices our emotions and wills to be captured by the world—“the lust of the lfesh,” “the lust of the eyes,” and “the…pride of life” (1 John 2:16). So many Christians find themselves trapped in sexual addictions, pornography, and other types of perversions and compulsive behaviors, never realizing that they are losing a spiritual battle. They try to fight the battle with worldly weapons that yield little success. They haven’t been taught to wage war in the unseen and heavenly realm.