AbidingThe Ministry of the Interior Part II

Am I fulfilling the ministry of the interior?

Provoking Thoughts on Prayer

There is no snare or any danger of infatuation or pride in intercession, it is a hidden ministry that brings forth fruit whereby the Father is glorified. It is the interior ministry. Am I allowing my spiritual life to be frittered away, or am I bringing it all to one center—Jesus? Is Jesus Christ more and more dominating every interest of my life?

I must take time to realize the central point of power in my interior. Do I give one minute out of sixty to concentrate upon it? Do I take time to abide? Is the greatest factor of power in my life work, service, and sacrifice for others, or trying to work for God? We must be determined to be limited and concentrate our affinities. The disciple who abides in Jesus is the will of God, and his apparently free choices are God’s foreordained decrees.

Oswald Chambers